gouache gouache gouache

more gouache goodness. I live in the valley and commute to Camarillo for work; there’s a wonderful stretch of undeveloped land between here and there. I’ve been having a great time on the ride home picking freeway exits more or less at random to stop and paint at. Today’s was Kanan road- a swath of pavement cutting through rolling hills and craggy rock formations near Agoura Hills.

Sketches from Mammoth

I was in Mammoth Lakes staying near Rock Creek this past weekend, and did a bunch of outdoor painting. It was a big challenge the first day because it was snowing and windy, but the weather got much better the second and third days. Rock Creek is a beautiful place – just hiking up and downstream was great.

big bad baba yaga redesign

This was for a class I took outside of work with Carlo Arellano earlier this year. The assignment was to redesign the perennial favorite baba-yaga; I went for full creep-out spooky. The face would be a fun reveal for a cinematic.

watercolor and gouache sketches

These are some of my watercolor and gouache sketches from the last couple months. I make a point to go out painting during my lunch breaks at work- there’s something about the craft of painting with real paint that I love. It also forces you to plan out your paintings much, much more, which is a good habit to get into. All of these took about 20-40 minutes on site, some have had touchups once I got home. I’ve been doing this since I took a workshop with the incomparable Nathan Fowkes last year at LAAFA. Have a peek, leave a comment !